Monday 6 January 2014

Shahih Muslim 0003 with Eng Sub...^^..

Shahih Muslim 0003 with Eng Sub...^^..


0003. Dari Abu Hurairah RA, katanya Rasulullah SAW bersabda: " Bertanyalah
kepadaku!" Kerana itu para sahabat berebut hendak bertanya. Tetapi
sekonyong-konyong muncul seorang laki-laki, lalu dia duduk dekat lutut
Nabi SAW dan bertanya, " Apakah yang dikatakan Islam?" Jawab Nabi SAW,
" 1@Jangan mempersekutukan Allah dengan sesuatu, 2@Tegakkan solat,
3@Bayarkan zakat dan 4@Puasa di Bulan Ramadhan." Kata orang itu,
" Engkau benar!" Lalu dia bertanya pula, " Ya, Rasulullah! Apakah yang
dikatakan Iman?" Jawab Nabi SAW, " 1@Iman dengan Allah, 2@Iman dengan
para malaikatNya, 3@Iman dengan Kitab-kitabNya, 4@Iman hendak bertemu
denganNya, 5@Iman dengan para RasulNya, 6@Iman dengan berbangkit dan
7@Iman dengan kadar semuanya." . " Engkau benar!" ujur orang itu.
Tanyanya pula, " Ya, Rasulullah! Apakah yang dikatakan Ihsan?" Jawab
Rasulullah SAW, " Hendaklah engkau takut kepada Allah seolah-olah
engkau melihatNya. Sekalipun engkau tidak melihatNya, sesungguhnya
Dia melihatmu." " Engkau benar!" katanya. Tanyalnya pula, " Ya, Rasulullah!
Bilakah terjadinya Kiamat?" Jawab Rasulullah SAW, " Orang yang ditanya
tentang hai itu, tidak lebih tahu daripada yang menanya. Tetapi akan
ku terangkan kepadamu tanda-tandanya; 1@Apabila engkau lihat budak
perempuan melahirkan majikannya, itu salah satu daripada tanda-tandanya,
2@Apabila engkau lihat orang-orang bodoh yang miskin menjadi raja di bumi,
itu pun termasuk tanda-tandanya, 3@Apabila engkau lihat gembala-gembala
ternak telah bermewah-mewah di gedung-gedung nan indah, yang demikian
itu juga termasuk tanda-tandanya." Kemudian, ada lima perkara ghaib yang
tidak dapat diketahui orang selain Allah. Lalu Rasulullah membaca ayat:
" Sesungguhnya Allah, hanya Dia sajalah yang mengetahui tentang hari
kiamat, Dialah yang menurunkan hujan, dan yang mengetahui apa yang ada
dalam rahim. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui dengan pasti
apa yang akan dikerjakannya besok, dan tiada seorang pun pula yang dapat
mengetahui di bumi mana ia akan mati, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui
lagi Maha Mengenal." Surah Luqman : 34. Kemudian orang itu pergi. Maka
bersabda Rasulullah SAW, " Panggillah orang itu kembali!" Para sahabat
berusaha mencarinya, tetapi mereka tidak mendapatkannya lagi. Maka
bersabda Rasulullah SAW, " Itulah Jibril! Dia sengaja datang hendak
mengajarkan agama kepada anda sekalian, kerana anda tidak menanyakannya."

Eng Subtitle...^^..
The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman)

0003. It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Ask me (about matters pertaining to
religion), but they (the Companions of the Holy Prophet) were too much
overawed out of profound respect for him to ask him (anything). In the
meanwhile a man came there, and sat near his knees and said: Messenger
of Allah, what al-lslam is? -to which he (the Holy Prophet) replied: You must
not associate anything with Allah, and establish prayer, pay the poor-rate
(Zakat) and observe (the fasts) of Ramadan. He said: You (have) told the
truth. He (again) said: Messenger of Allah, what al-Iman (the faith) is? He
(the Holy Prophet) said: That you affirm your faith in Allah, His angels,
His Books, His meeting, His Apostles, and that you believe in Resurrection
and that you believe in Qadr (Divine Decree) in all its entirety, He
(the inquirer) said: You (have) told the truth. He (again) said: Messenger
of Allah, what al-Ihsan is? Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said: (Al-Ihsan
implies) that you fear Allah as if you are seeing Him, and though you see
Him not, verily He is seeing you. He (the inquirer) said: You (have) told the
truth. He (the inquirer) said: When there would be the hour (of Doom)?
(Upon this) he (the HolyProphet said: The one who is being asked about it
is no better informed than the inquirer himself. I, however, narrate some
of its signs (and these are): when you see a slave-girl gives birth to her
master.- that is one of the signs of (Doom) ; when you see barefooted,
naked, deaf and dumb (ignorant and foolish persons) as the rulers of the
earth - that is one of the signs of the Doom. And when you see the
shepherds of black camels exult in buildings - that is one of the signs of
Doom. The (Doom) is one of the five things (wrapped) in the unseen. No
one knows them except Allah. Then (the Holy Prophet) recited (the
folowing verse):" Verily Allah! with Him alone is the knowledge of the hour
and He it is Who sends down the rain and knows that which is in the
wombs and no person knows whatsoever he shall earn on morrow and
a person knows not in what so ever land he shall die. Verily Allah is Knowing,
Aware. He (the narrator, Abu Huraira) said: Then the person stood up
an (made his way). The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
said: Bring him back to me. He was searched for, but they (the
Companions of the Holy Prophet) could not find him. The Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) there upon said: He was Gabriel and he
wanted to teach you (things pertaining to religion) when you did not ask
(them yourselves).
Norshahuddin Edited Jan 2014...^^..

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